All services require pets to be up to date on their respective vaccines, including but not limited to rabies and DHLPP for dogs. We STRONGLY recommend Bordetella (in addition to). Special requests may be waived for elderly pets and/or pets who have experienced vaccine reactions.
However, a titer is preferred in lieu of the vaccine.
Call us today for more information!
Please check our Facebook Page for cancellations due to weather warnings!
Please check Camp Claircrest Facebook Page for events, health clinics and classes/seminars!
Tricks For Fun With Your Dog!
Our instructor Karen will be teaching this seminar and/or class!
Plan on having lots of fun with your dog learning tricks such as but not limited to:
Nose targeting and hand touches
Scent games
Leg weaves
Hoop jumps
Paws up
Ladder work
Sit pretty
Mouth targeting
Say your prayers
Wipe your paws
Unroll the carpet
Paw targeting
Pull on rope
High 5
Roll over
Head down
Chain behaviors
Open mail box
Bring me a tissue
Rear paw targeting
Distance work
Note: A seminar may only cover some of the above.
Fit paws equipment may be used.
Session is: 6 week class $100
For schedules and more information please visit:
Prerequisite: None or Other Beginner Class Training. However, the dog must know sit, stay and some other basic commands.
Equipment Required:
Buckle and/or Nylon Slip Collar with 6' Leash
Or a 6' Slip Leash
Small Mat
Motiviation Toy
Small Preferably Soft Treats
Dog that is ready to train without being fed recently and has been offered time to relieve themselves